Monday, July 4, 2011


This petition is to make Ameba Gold more fun and easier to earn because not everyone has a credit card or patience to toil with intrusive surveys!

These are the ideas we made up to start with;

  1. On the day of your birthday, you will receive 1,000 AG to spend on whatever you want.
  2. On the first year anniversary of the day you arrived to the world of Ameba Pico you will receive AG
  3. On one of the quest, once you complete it you will receive AG
  4. You can buy AG with gummies
That's all we can think of at the moment, can you help us make up more ideas?
While your doing that click the link above and sign, WE NEED AS MANY SIGNATURES AS WE CAN!
See ya next time!

Friday, July 1, 2011

About Relationships, and why do people rush into it?!

Okay, first of all, hi to all readers.
My name is Owrith;
if any questions, or comments please feel free to reply.

As I mentioned above, on title. On relationships, & why do people rush into it.
I'm just saying, from experience, & knowledge, from people who I know, & heard from.

Especially to all, any young readers. We all have minds, & should use them.
First off; ask the person... ( "he, or she" ) about there age. Don't go rushing in blindsided.
Im not talking down to anyone, not as a parent, or guardain; but as an advisor.
No one is perfect, NOBODY IS...
We all have flails, thats what makes us who we are.
I just dont get it when people, on here... ("online social people"), jump out; & ask
wanna be ("bf; and/or gf"); how come, or what happen with getting to know the person
ask them out... go on a date, hangout. There is not really an excuse of being too young, or old;
but; like now a days, with some people age doesn't matter, but in fact it does. Older people have the knownledge, the experience, and just been there done that sorta thing.

That's pretty much it, my friends, please add comments; or add thoughts.
I would like to know why, or how come people do, these things unknownly, or blind.
{Updated by BrokenRose~ aka ☆ラズベリー !☆™}
Starting today, we'll also have weekly rants to show what really grinds our gears about this place.
Owrith makes a very good topic for our first rant and I have somethings I wanna add. 
        For the people that have to beg to get a boyfriend or girlfriend....I WILL NOT sugar coat of my opinions but, I find that deeply pathetic for three reasons:
  1.  Just because maybe you're not allowed to have a relationship in the real world, DOES NOT mean you can have one on a game (Its usually the teens that do all the begging)
  2. Its really dangerous because you don't know this person you're blindly committing a relationship to and then you call yourself being "in love" with this person then you give this person all of of your information, then your "lover" hacks into your account and basically deletes EVERYTHING! (worst case scenario: your "lover" goes into your house and rapes and?or kills you.
  3. Its rude to the users that already has a relationship in the real world and don't get mad at those users, JUST SHUT THE HELL UP AND WAIT YOUR TURN AND BE HAPPY YOUR SINGLE!
Ladies and Gentlemen, just because your single on a game DOES NOT  mean your unattractive in the real world, just have fun and chill out. You'll get that special someone and begging will just chase that person away. Also begging (or just being insanely desperate) will also prove to everyone that you're just so pathetic , its not even funny! In the video game world, we shouldn't have to worry about real world problems.
My final words for this blog entry is, PATHETIC AND DESPERATE BEGGING HAS GOT TO F*CKING STOP!
Until next time, Stay tried and true